Photo Gallery

Wahanga Tuarua

Girls Soccer and Self Esteem Programme

Every Friday for 6 weeks

There will be a year 6 Girls Programme  promoting sport and self esteem

Ki-o-Rahi Taipa

Maara ki te Tepu

Every Friday all classes will be participating in weeding, seeding, planting and cooking.


Every Thursday at Lindvart Park

We have six teams playing every Thursday from 3.30-5pm.

Y3&4 Rippa

Year 3 and 4 Rippa Tournament at Lindvart Park

We have 3 teams attending this tournament

Y5&6 Rippa

Year 5 and 6 Rippa Tournament at Lindvart Park

We will have around 3-4 teams attending this tournament

R11 & R13 Aged Care Visit

Tuakana Classes Visiting Aged Care in Kaikohe

Kaupapa is to give back and support whether it be gardening, singing, playing cards etc

Matariki Whanau Event

Whole School Event

Celebrating Matariki

R12 Visiting Kaikohe Library

Room 12 and Room 14 Visiting Local Library

Every Monday

R12 Noho - Kawati Caves Waiomio

Room 12 having a NOHO

Staying at school and visiting Kawati Caves in Waiomio

Wahanga Tuatahi

Attendance Haerenga

90-100% Attendance Incentive

Ww took 36 tamariki to Kerikeri Movies to watch Kungfu Panda 4 - popcorn, drink and ice-cream. We then went to Kerikeri Park and then to McDonalds. Well deserving tamariki.

Deno Show


Easter Extravaganza

Easter Extravaganza

Whanaunatanga NOHO

Whanangatanga Noho

Weetbix Tryathlon

Weet-bix Try

KWS Swimming

KWS Swimming

Girls Soccer

Girls Soccer

Nau mai hoki mai ki tenei tau hou. Kua rite tatou mo te tau Miharo

(Welcome back everyone to another Amazing year - 2024)

Well that's a wrap Whānau. End of Term 4 and our school year.

Hope everyone is looking forward to a six week holiday. It sure has been a very busy year..

We will see all our tamariki back for Term 1, Wednesday 31st January 2024.

To our Year 6's who are leaving Kaikohe West School.

Ko te mātauranga te patu tino kaha ka taea e koe te huri i te ao.

Knowledge is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.

On behalf of our Staff, Board of Trustees, our other whānau organisations who awhi us and sponsors, we would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Room 14 and Room 16 Beach hikoi. 

It was a beautiful day for a swim and a play in the sand in Paihia then to Kawakawa park for lunch.

Kaikohe Fire Department came to visit. 

Thank you Wiremu and Son's. 

How exciting!

Kaikohe West School Prize-giving 2023

Formalities with our Opening Ceremony by our leaders Santana, Harlee, Phoenix and Tangaroa.

We welcome all our special guests on the stage.

Principal's address by Whaea Sabrina.

Board of Trustees address by our Chairperson Angie Thomas.

Kaikohe West School Prize-giving 2023

Staff Farewells from our amazing LC'c (Learning Coaches) Kieran Moeau, Kauri-Rei Erueti and Gwen Tahana.

Appreciation from Whaea Nicki to our wonderful Nanny Rachel Velden.

Appreciation from Mrs Miller to our incredible Nanny Dinah Poinga.

Appreciation to Whaea Tiny, Rikki-Leigh and Matua Paraire for their awhi and co-organisation of teams, and uniforms for all sports codes this year.

Acknowledgment to all our sponsors who support our kura.

Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou katoa.

Kaikohe West School Prize-giving 2023

Class Certificates from Tēina Classes:

Room 16 - Tangata, Hinearorangi, Jenevieve and Taegan.

Room 12 - Stevie, Queenie,  Silas amd Tarryn.

Room 10 - Saxon, Kristina-Lee, Benji=Ray and Alex.

Room 1 - Ezra, Norton, Nikora.

Class Certificates for Tuakana Classes:

Room 14 - Christina, Blue and Hemi

Room 13 - Jahminn, Elliot, Breeze and Armani.

Room 11 - Spenser, Edward, Raymin and Puhikaiariki.

Room 3 - Avahntay, Harlee,and Santana.

Kaikohe West School Prize-giving 2023

Guest Speaker Dean Robinson from NZ Police brought along 5-year-old Trigger with her trainer, guardian, and best friend. 

Trigger helps her trainer to find things.

What a very friendly and obedient dog!

Kaikohe West School 

Prize-giving 2023

Special Awards and Mainfreight Calendar entries in the 2024 edition is from Haalo Peita and Tarryn Ewens-Moon. Congratulations!

Thank you to our whānau who donated trophies for our tamariki.

Kaikohe West School Prize-giving 2023.

Year 6 presentations and Closing Ceremony..

All the best for the future tamariki mā. Ngā mihi aroha ki a koutou katoa.

Congratulations to Whaea Kona and Whānau for their bundle of joy, Jay-Cole Adituicolo Mocelutu who weighed in at 9 pounds 5 ounces.

Hopefully, we will have cuddles soon.


Kaikohe West School came away with 3 trophies for each team entered into the 2023 Touch Season.

All tamariki played with MANA and amazing sportsmanship.

We would like to thank our supporiive whānau who come to awhi us with coaching and being on the sideline to cheer our tamariki on every game and not forgetting our staff who train and support our tamariki every Thursday afternoon.

Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou katoa.


Reward for tamariki showing excellent MANA Values. Tamariki gets to go to the Kaikohe Playground for most of the day with their wheels. Bikes, skateboards, rollerskates, rollerblades, scooters, and 3-wheeler trikes. They get to play in the new refurbished playground which is more kid-friendly now.

It was awesome to watch our tamariki having so much fun. This is our second visit to the park.

Room 16 is learning to make paper with Anouk. We shredded old paper into a bin and filled it with cold water. We let it sit for over a week till Anouk came. My tamariki loved putting their hands into the bin. The wet soggy paper was cold and squishy. We put the squishy paper in the frames, squashed all the water out with a sponge, and then carefully put our wet paper onto the cloth to dry.

Kaikohe Junior Touch Module started this week.

Kaikohe West has 3 teams entered.

Thank you to all staff and whānau who are supporting these teams. 

WEEK 2 started with swimming. The weather wasn't the best but tamariki were eager to get in the pool anyway

Swimming togs, towel and swimming cap is recommended. Goggles can be used as well.

Rules apply to everyone:

No running around the pool.

Enter in and out safely or use the ladder.

No bombing, jumping, or diving unless supervised.

FYI Whānau

Kaikohe West School is hosting elections tomorrow, Saturday 14th October 9:00 am to 7:00 pm.

Other options are Te Wā on Broadway, Kaiohe Memorial Hall or The Baptist Church.

Please don’t forget to VOTE.

The Grumpiest Child performed by Mia, Poe and Troy.

Natalie Briddling is a world-class grump. (According to her mum). Wanting to stand out, she’s hōhā with feeling average, ordinary and middling so she sets out on “probably the most amazing adventure ever!”

This play follows Natalie on a magical journey down a awa and up a maunga, where she meets strange and wonderous beings along the way. Characters who in the beginning frustrate and anger her might turn out to be new friends.

We had Room 11 with buddy class Room 10 on our taumata this morning. Blessing our day today was Maa Te Aroha, Puhikaiariki, Tangaroa and Wiremu.

Ka mau te wehi tamariki mā!

Some staff were up before dawn this morning for the opening of the new housing project by Te Hau Ora o Ngāpuhi.

Kaumatua walked through and blessed 10 one bedroom homes that were in one block. Manuhiri followed behind in awe.

We were truly double blessed today.

So awesome to see our tamariki today. Just a friendly reminder to download Skool Loop or ring the school office for absences.

We would like to welcome our new staff member Kauri-Rei Erueti who will be working in Room 14. Nau mai, haere mai.

If you have any patai please ring the office.

Mihi Nui

Childrens Arts and Crafts Trail ended today.

Mrs Miller, Mrs Bingham, Whaea Nicki and Whaea Pam thought we’d do the trail in support of Kaikohe West School and our Community Arts Council.

We hope you were able to check out all the ataahua mahi toi showcased in the 13 different businesses.

Ngā Mihi

Kia ora whānau

Hope everyone has had a restful break and tamariki are eager to start term 4 tomorrow.

We have another busy term.

Angel Te Kuru teaching our tamariki more hip hop moves (Monday tēina and Thursday tuakana)

On Wednesday we have a performance called, The Grumpiest Child.

Weeks 2 & 3 Matua Beaumyn Wihongi will be in to korero to us about Te Matarahurahu Cultural Landscape. We have a whole school visit to Kohewhata Marae to hear more korero about our Cultural Landscape.

After school sports (touch, and maybe t-ball and softball) are also played this term. Mrs Miller, Whaea Tiny and Rikki-Leigh will sort teams and uniforms as we get more info.

If you would like to coach or manage a team please let Mrs Miller know.

We will be trialling our new break times:

10:30 - 11:00 Kai Tuatahi/Fruit Break & Play

12:30 - 12:55 Kai Tuarua/Lunch & Play

2:20 - 2:50 Kai Tuatoru/Fruit Break & Play

Uniforms and Hats are compulsory this term.

Please make sure your tamariki names are on them.

Swimming will start soon. Proper swimwear is advised and swim caps are compulsory.

Huge mihi to our Property Managers Matua Winston & Whaea Chanelle for getting our pool ready for us to swim in.

- Swimming

- Room 3 & 13 haerenga

- Year 6s Transitioning days

- Year 6 haerenga

- Prizegiving

End of year Reports are this term as well. Teachers will be assessing tamariki to give you an accurate assessment report. We are looking forward to the new layout as well.

If you have any concerns or just want to korero, our doors are always open.

Ngā mihi Hei āpōpō

Tēina Matariki Noho

Thursday morning we started with a karakia then a rotation of activities till we made everyone a manu aute/kite. Lunch then lantern making. 4.30 pm saw us walking up to Tokareireia. Once up there Whaea Nicki our wonderful storyteller told us a story about how Kaikohe got its name. Tamariki were given their kites to fly while we were waiting for dinner. 18 jumbo pizzas, 10 packets of hot chips and fizzy drinks for the tamariki. Stevie McKinley whānau supplied the adults with a delicious hangi and pudding. How spoilt are we aye! After dinner, it was time to turn on and hand out the lanterns. Everyone watched in awe, the look on the tamariki faces. Miharo! We walked back to school carrying our lanterns. We got back to school and got ready for the disco and then bedtime.

In the morning we had breakfast, a little play because the weather wasn't that great and our kapa haka tamariki got ready to perform for the Kaikohe Aged Care whānau. Nonperformers stayed back at school. Lunch and play till home-time.

Tēina Staff and whānau awhina would like to thank our whānau and tamariki for a successful noho. We couldn't have done it without you. Lots of fun and memories were made.

We will see you all next term on Monday, October 9th. Have a great holiday.

Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou katoa

KWS 2 

Ki-o-Rahi with Whaea Pam

KWS 3 

Ki-o-Rahi with Whaea Sabrina.

KWS KIWI TAG with Whaea Kona.

KWS 1 Ki-o-Rahi with Mrs Wihongi.


Whaea Tiny, Rikki-Leigh & Whaea Kona.


HUSH Dance Crew with Bo-Deene Stephens.

Tamariki crew from KWS are Melissa, Rozaye & Manawa.

Our Duffy Role Model today was Kenape Saupese.

Kenape’s parents migrated to Aotearoa from Samoa and his family lived in Te Whanganui-a-tara.

Kenape commenced a music career and for ten years was a lead singer in a band called Tomorrow People.

Kenape decided to put music on hold so he could focus on spending more time with his wife and daughter.

Reading helped to increase his vocabulary skills as an artist, and this is vital in being able to convey feelings through the lyrics and music that he has composed. Kenape is working towards inspiring a generation of thriving rangatahi and is humbled to be a role model for Duffy Books.

Kaikohe West School Staff vs Kaikohe West School Te Arahura Netball Team.

Giving our girls a practice run before they play against other teams in the first Te Arahura Sports Day for Year 5 & 6.

More pics of our tamariki from our Te Ohonga 2023 performance.


Our tuakana after their tino ataahua live performance for Te Ohonga o Ngāpuhi. 

Huge mihi to all our kaiako, whānau and our Te Arahura TEAM. 

We are all so proud of you TAMARIKI MĀ,

Kaikohe West School Tēina Roopū

These are the only pics I have of the tēina roopū.

Te Ohonga dress rehearsal for our whānau on the left.

Room 16 tamariki after their live performance for Te Ohonga.


Wednesday saw our last game of Ki-o-Rahi for the season. We would like to acknowledge all our tamariki, whānau, Sport Northland (Matua Tuparahuia, Matua Komene, Whaea Stacey) and especially our staff who coached and managed our teams.

Year 6 Baton's Up

What an awesome turnout today, Thank you whānau for all you do for our tamariki. We are so grateful and I'm sure our Year 6s appreciate your awhi for their end of the year haerenga.

It truly does take a village to raise a child.

Ngā manaakitanga me te aroha ki tō koutou katoa. 

We farewelled Matua Paraire on Thursday. He has left his position at our kura but I am sure we will still see and hear him cheering us on the sports fields, netball courts and hockey turfs.

We all wish you well on your next adventures Matua Paraire.

Ngā Mihi Mahana,

Staff, Tamariki me Whānau katoa i Kura Hauāuru o Kaikohekohe.

School Bikes and Scooters.

Bike Ready with the tuakana tamariki.

Ki-o-Rahi with our three teams:: Coaches Whaea Kona, Whaea Tiny, Rikki-Leigh with Support from Matua Paraire, Matua Komene, Matua Tuparehuia and Whaea Stacey

KWS 1 -Manager: Whaea Lucinda/Mrs Wihongi 

Moko, Samual, Pani, Wiremu, Andrew, Saxon, Maa Te Aroha, Nyla-Rose , Honor

KWS 2 - Manager Whaea Pam

Edward, Tukaeanui, Carlos, Jaedin, Freddy, Skyrum-Jo, Luchiano, Haalo, Macayla, Avahntay

KWS 3 Whaea Sabrina

Tangaroa, Jimmy, Phoenix, Harlee, Drezon, Hemi, ManaiaMisty, Tamia, Santana, Te Arahi

Tēina Classes Matariki Sleepover

When Week 10 Thursday September 21st

Please send permission slips, medical lists and payment of $10.00 to the office. If you need another please ask your tamariki Kaiako.

A quick response is greatly appreciated. If you have any patai please don't hesitate to contact us.

Ngā mihi nui.

Year 6 Batons Up

Kia ora whānau our Year 6 students decided to do a BATONS UP RAFFLE instead of cake stalls to help raise the funds for their Year 6  trip next term.

If you are interested in purchasing any tickets please inform the office.

Tickets are $10.00 each and there are 300 tickets with over 30 plus prizes. The raffles will be drawn on Tuesday 12th September. Payments can be made into the school account to secure your tickets.

Kaikohe West School: 12 3097 0204696 03

Reference: Your name and number.

This is also our dress rehearsal day for Te Ohonga, where we will be inviting all our whānau in to watch our tamariki perform.

Room 3 & 13 Disco

To help fundraise for their end of year haerenga.

Kaikohe and Districts Cross Country @ Ohaeawai Primary School

Cross-Country today @ Lindvart Park. Our tamariki showed great sportsmanship and MANA today. Thank you to the Christian School for an awesome day.  

Reminder: Tamariki are coming home with their uniforms to wear again on Wednesday 23rd August for the Ohaeawai Cross-country.

I will give a gentle reminder on Tuesday 22nd August.

Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou katoa.

Some of our hockey players went down to Lindvart Park to meet members of the New Zealand men and women's hockey team. 

There were about 10 primary and high schools there. It was a great experience and we spent a couple of hours playing games with our New Zealand Black Sticks.

Kaikohe West School Matariki Disco

Matariki is a time to reflect on the past and those who have passed on, to celebrate the present with kai and time with our whānau and communities, and to look ahead and plan for the future.

Thank you to everyone who supported our F.O.T.S Fundraiser.

Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou katoa.

Rugby League Tournament in Moerewa

2nd Place

Ki-o-Rahi Team

3rd Place